Origin Story: What Motivated Me To Write and Perform Music

How did I get here? How did we all start? Why don’t musicians talk more about their origin story when we are all hiding behind algorithms and filters?

In the fall of 2006, I started picking up the guitar. I wanted to learn guitar as a hobby and because I had friends who were playing in high school. I wanted to find another way to fit in with my social circles. I was a late bloomer and was learning during my freshman year of college. It was not until my first music theory class in 2008 I met a dude who changed the trajectory of my creative journey. His name was Chris who later became my bassist for the Uncle Father Oscar Split and live performer for the Philly house show arc.

Chris encouraged me to play shows, write tunes, and put myself out there after we ate a pizza on a weeknight. I remembered him saying “Every person has a voice, how they use their voice is what gives them the ability to create different kinds of music.” To this day that statement resonated with me and I began to learn how to play guitar and sing simultaneously.

I was no stranger to writing lyrics, but I was afraid of writing music with intent. My first songs were about college drama, getting drunk, etc. Chris and his bandmates inspired me to write with more intention. This new found inspiration lead to writing a song I played out in college called "Machines" which is a song about the fallacies of technology.

The support of my friends helped me find my own comfort zone, and being challenged by other creators helped me rediscover myself. Without friendship, I am not so sure if I would be the musician I am today.

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